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This blog is partially a reflection on a research started in 2012 with Prof Schoenefeldt at the School of Architecture and Planning, University of Kent when I was a Ph.D. candidate. Although that research focused mainly on Climatically Interactive Facades, this blog explores a wider concept of interactive facades in Architecture.
The name SINTAA is an acronym for the word Studio of Interactionists Associated Architects because Interactionism is our philosophy and our goal is to create interactionisms through all our projects.
Therefore this blog wants to be our reflective space where to develop our methodology and test our ideas.
This research is also aiming to define a retroactive theory behind the concept of user/facade-interaction) and to provide a new understanding of architectural history.
The "analysis" will explore different types of interactive facades in which every interaction includes an internal interactive zone and an external interactive zone. Users are the core of these internal/external interactive zones because buildings are designed to satisfy user's needs and achieve user's comfort.
We should always aim to create sustainable beautiful buildings that work from the user's perspective.
As we will explore in this blog, the user/external zone interaction is as important as a good user/internal interaction. This because a building is not a piece of art or a self-isolated gizmo. It's a multitude of interactions between users, between other buildings, and between nature. All these interactions create cities, regions, Countries, and go on.
If we think of the structure of the building as the bones of our body, all the mechanical and electrical components as our veins and arteries, we can conclude that a building facade would be our skin.
Every element is important to make our body works and all the components must work together.
The skin of the building is so crucial because acts as a filter between inside/outside and vice versa. It is responsible for the interaction between indoor and outdoor.
Hence, we created this motto, Less is bone, where we think of the "skin" as the core element in the analysis of user-building interactions.
So, less is bone, more is skin...
Copyright of STUDIO SINTAA
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